- 17plus was ace!
- Wild West Weekend and EJBM application deadline is the 1st of January
- 7/8 is almost here - 28-30/1/11
- Se7en is coming up on the 4-6/2/11
- 9/10 is the last weekend of the year 11-13/3/11
Sunday, 26 December 2010
2010 is nearly over... bring on 2011!
Friday, 15 October 2010
Autumn News
Hey all,
This is the first ever blog from the JB Board!
Before we talk about that let’s talk about what has been before – James Pattinson. A huge thanks and congrats go to him for a wonderful term as NJR but hey let’s not go on… he knows he was fab!
At September NJBF a brand new JB Board was elected to take the place of the usual two NJR system. This year is a trial year… no pressure guys… to see if we will continue to use this system. So (drum roll) the new JB Board is Ryan Baum (NJR), Rich Salter (NJC), Charlie Mcfarlane (NJC) and Jess Wanless (NJR). Already we have had lots of good planning and lots of good fun so bring on the next 10 months!
So there was so much more that went on at NJBF this year than just the election – see JBPedia! It was also the biggest NJBF ever with 37 people in attendance.
NJB Day happened in Newcastle on the 2nd of October. Lots of superheroes and jelly-based fun was had by all and we also played some football matches in the name of Peace One Day! Anyone else who has any peace day football photos please send them to njr@gb.cisv.org and we will make sure they are sent off for the brilliant video that Jeremy Gilley (the founder of Peace One Day) has promised to make us!
On the 10th of October LJR training took place in Jess’ house! 6 of the LJRs, along with 3 of the JB board, were there having a brilliant time. The most exciting thing we did was decide some monthly themes! These will be used throughout GBJB including at local JB meetings and at minicamps. Find more details on JBPedia.
The next event coming up is JB Training from the 29-31st of October at Scammonden. Places are going fast so get your letters in ASAP.
Where can I find a letter I hear you cry! Become a member of the googlegroup (http://groups.google.com/group/cisvgbjb) and there you will find all of the important documents including the letters for JB Training.
The next event after that is the 3rd ever 17 plus weekend. Taking place just outside of Leeds from the 26th – 28th of November this event is already nearly sold out! The theme is ‘Big Brother’… come and find out! Sign up online… find the link here: http://www.ijb.cisv.org/mwiki/index.php/JB_GB_17_Plus
An amazing project that GBJB is currently working on is a National Youth Meeting including a Mosaic project! This will be from the 22-29th of August 2011 at Curly Hill. Each Chapter will have a delegation of 6 and delegates must be aged 12/13. There will also be opportunities to be ‘JC’ (aged 17) and a leader (aged 19+). For more info email njr@gb.cisv.org.
Finally we are looking for articles for our Newsletter, to be released mid-November. Contact Jo at secretary@gb.cisv.org if you are interested.
Thanks for making it to the end of our very long blog, and we promise to update you sooner next time!
Jess, Ryan, Charlie and Rich
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Greetings all!
9 days ago, Helen Scott, Laura Green, Nic Hargreaves and ourselves the NJRs emerged from the lush lawns in the outskirts of Berlin where the Annual International Meeting (AIM) of CISV had taken place. Right before that, from 31 July to 4 August, a record delegation of 7 (Helen, Rich Salter, Will Sebag-Montefiore, Jo Hobson, Phoebe Juggins and the NJRs) attended the Interntional Junior Branch Conference (IJBC).
IJBC is where about 90 juniors from all over the world meet to share what they’ve been up to, get to grips with new themes and ideas, and start cool new projects, as well as have a whole load of fun. This year, three things that we thought were the most important were the new foundations for 2011, a cool way to think about not just what we do, but why we do it, and the International Junior Representative elections, where Mateo Vélez Rosiers from Colombia was elected. To find out more about these cool things, come to NJBF the first weekend of September.
At AIM, where the representatives of each country, called trustees (for GB, Nic Hargreaves), sit in a big square circle and discuss what we’re up to as an organisation, and make decisions on the direction we’re heading. One of these decisions was particularly important for Junior Branch across the world, as we reviewed our IJR election process, so that now the IJR election will take place during IJBC rather than AIM. This AIM was also special because there were elections for the new International Executive Committee (IEC), who are 5 people that coordinate CISV through the year (including CISV’s President, Vice, and 3 Executive Trustees). One really great thing for Great Britain is that Laura Green (ex-NJR and ex-trustee) was elected as one of the executive trustees – we’re very proud of her.
In other news, if you’re 16 or over in September, we’ll see you at NJBF (3-5th September – you better get your forms in quick!). You can expect an epic weekend that we’ve nearly finished planning, and it’s shaping up to be one not to miss (Insert link for forms)
Launching at NJBF this year will be our brand new, get-your-hands-on-them-right-now hoodie, and we will be collectively making a cool piece of Peace One Day merchandise.
Dates for your diary:
- NJBF 3rd-5th September, Leeds
- Peace One Day, 21st September, The World
- NJB Day, 2nd October, Newcastle
- LJR Training, 10th October, Leeds
- S.M.I.L.E. (JB Training), 29th-31st October, Scammonden
- 17+, 26th-28th November, Leeds