Sunday, 30 November 2008

Year 7/8 and some Louisa loving!

Hey everyone!

So this is me, Louisa reporting from a train somewhere between the lovely misty York and sunny Sheffield after the amazing Y7/8 mini-camp! A massive shout out to the awesome staff team or Ian Wallbridge, Felicity Edwards-Wright and Luke Marsden – once again doing GeeBeeJayBee proud! If you were there I hope you had as much fun as I did!

On a completely different note, I would like to apologise for my general quiet presence in GBJB at the moment and a massive shout out to James for handling everything the last few weeks! As some of you know, I'm currently travelling to Hull everyday, which along with my essays and background reading doesn't leave a lot of time for CISV. However, as I'm now a lot more settled in, I've got a bit more time for you guys – which is always nice!

You may also be excited to know that me and James have been working behind the scenes on some very very exciting new merchandise which I can say without a doubt will be the best GBJB or in fact the world has ever seen! If anybody wants to be involved with this very exciting project, particularly if you're a graphics whizz – just give us an email on! We'd love to hear from yooou. (Also, we'd like to be better than Frances merchandise, which is unfortunately very
cool – check out their JBPedia page on

While you're checking that out, here are a few more things to distract you from school...


Other exciting things coming up include...

* MancField
* Year 9/10 mini-camp
* 17+

And in the pipeline...CISV GBJB's First Annual Pantomime! This is actually going to happen, I'm just not entirely sure how yet...if you want to be involved, again just drop us or your reps an email!

I do hope you're all jolly and enjoying your pre-christmas lives (excluding exams – we all know they're rubbish – but important!) Do well in school kids.

Take care! Until soon...

Your occasionally vacant, but nevertheless enthusiastic NJR.

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