Tuesday, 14 April 2009

EJBM 2009 (the rest)

Hey guys!

Really sorry that while the last thing that was said was 'keep checking', we didn't keep our end of the deal, and keep posting. However if you were with us at EJBM then you'd soon find out why! The days are jam-packed with sessions and activities, and it was hard to find a time to stop! Apologies anyway... but what's news then?

Well, perhaps the biggest challenge for this EJBM was approving the revised Terms of Reference, drawn up by the EJB Team and some others, to accommodate last year’s decision to have an EJB team rather than individual ReCos and PeCos (Regional coordinators, and PA coordinators), as well as bringing other sections up to date with what we actually do. The ToR until 2008 can be viewed at http://www.ijb.cisv.org/mwiki/index.php/EJB_TOR and hopefully it will be updated soon!

Also, we happily congratulate Zé Baptista (Portugal) and Paul Hinterberger (Germany) for being elected to the EJB Team, to join Camilla and Louise, who will make a brilliant team in the upcoming year. We also give huge thanks to outgoing Laura, but especially Nic, who has served two difficult years in EJB! We’re really lucky to have him for 3 more years here in GB.

You can check out the new team at http://www.ijb.cisv.org/mwiki/index.php/EJB_Team

Another new and exciting thing this year was the creation of Neighbourhoods, and we were happy to finally meet with the rest of the old ‘South-West Neighbourhood’, now renamed the Wild West! Check it out at: http://www.ijb.cisv.org/mwiki/index.php/Wild_West_Neighbourhood

Very excitingly however, GB has proposed to host the first ever Wild West Weekend! Its aim is to bring together juniors (16+) of our Neighbourhood, to get to know each other, in a social context so that they are comfortable with each other, and may look to work together in the future. This weekend would also provide a space for trainings and workshops, as well as a chance for the leaders within the JBs (such as NJRs) to meet and work on other projects. All details have yet to be decided, but watch this space!

The last main news is that EJBM 2010 will be hosted by the Netherlands, so already we are looking forward to more good times!

We can't wait to share with you guys some of the plans we've made, ideas we've had, skills we learnt, workshops and sessions we attended, so make sure you catch us at NJBF in september, S.M.I.L.E. in October!

Much love, James (and Ryan and Fliss more or less) :)

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